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Dining Green at Grand Canyon National Park

Making Dining Sustainable

Since 2017, Xanterra has partnered with the Green Restaurant Association. This national nonprofit works towards increased sustainability in the restaurant industry, and their standards ensure that restaurants remain transparent when it comes to environmental impacts. El Tovar is one of three Certified Green Restaurants® operated by Grand Canyon National Park Lodges. We are proud that we have reached a 3-Star Certification at El Tovar, and have taken many steps to get here.

  • A percentage of pre-consumer food waste is diverted from landfills, and instead used by the Mule Feeding Program. Pre-consumer food scraps deemed appropriate by a veterinarian are given a second life as nutrients for the mules that make the descent into the Grand Canyon year-round.
  • Batteries and appliances are responsibly recycled to keep unnecessary waste from landfills.
  • Many paper products in the restaurant are made with recycled materials.
  • We have eliminated the use of Styrofoam™, which does not break down naturally. This allows us to keep harmful chemicals and waste out of our environment.
  • El Tovar prioritizes the habit of sustainably managing the canyon’s water resources. Reclaimed water is reused for irrigation, which allows us to lessen our dependence on potable water for non-drinking purposes.

While we are proud of these accomplishments, we are continuing to innovate, creating new advancements in our efforts to decrease our impact on the environment.